To maintain the healthiest possible environment in the children’s ministry, we ask that you review the updated wellness policy and ensure that you are keeping children home if they or anyone in your household have shown the following symptoms in the last 24 hours:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher 

  • Wheezing or shortness of breath

  • Persistent and/or productive cough or sore throat

  • Constant runny nose with yellow/green tint

  • Diarrhea, vomiting, complaints of stomachache

  • Pink eye or other eye infections

  • Undiagnosed rashes

  • Pale/flushed skin color

  • Extreme fatigue/lethargy

  • Any symptoms of common childhood diseases such as chickenpox, strep throat, hand foot and mouth, head lice, pertussis, etc.

By digitally signing this form you agree to the above statement and acknowledge that you are aware of your children’s health and that if they show signs of being sick, or if your family has been exposed to someone showing symptoms, as well as someone that has tested positive for COVID, you will take the necessary precautions of seeking medical attention, staying home, washing hands, etc.

I acknowledge that I will not bring my children to church if they or anyone in the household are showing any of the symptoms stated above and that I will take full responsibility of their health and well-being.