Women's Bible Study
New evening Bible study for women!
Want to gather with a group of women to study the Bible? Christa Steinbach is leading a study from Priscilla Shirer on the armor of God on Wednesdays from 6-8p, starting Sept. 25.
You will be encouraged as you connect with other women and look deeper at the gift God has given us through His armor.
Order your book through online retailers. Contact Christa with questions at women@chbc.online.
Women's Bible Study
New evening Bible study for women!
Want to gather with a group of women to study the Bible? Christa Steinbach is leading a study from Priscilla Shirer on the armor of God on Wednesdays from 6-8p, starting Sept. 25.
You will be encouraged as you connect with other women and look deeper at the gift God has given us through His armor.
Order your book through online retailers. Contact Christa with questions at women@chbc.online.
Women's Bible Study
New evening Bible study for women!
Want to gather with a group of women to study the Bible? Christa Steinbach is leading a study from Priscilla Shirer on the armor of God on Wednesdays from 6-8p, starting Sept. 25.
You will be encouraged as you connect with other women and look deeper at the gift God has given us through His armor.
Order your book through online retailers. Contact Christa with questions at women@chbc.online.
Women's Bible Study
New evening Bible study for women!
Want to gather with a group of women to study the Bible? Christa Steinbach is leading a study from Priscilla Shirer on the armor of God on Wednesdays from 6-8p, starting Sept. 25.
You will be encouraged as you connect with other women and look deeper at the gift God has given us through His armor.
Order your book through online retailers. Contact Christa with questions at women@chbc.online.
8370 YOUTH
Join us Sunday evenings from 6-8 in the lower level! Email Tanna@chbc.online for more information.
Women's Bible Study | Precepts
The Precept Bible study is also starting back up with Hebrews, part 2 (ch. 5-10). This group will meet on Tuesdays, beginning Sept. 10, from 9-11:15a. Order your book by Aug. 24. Reach out to Chris O'Dowd for more info: vashcrazy@q.com.
Men's Ministry Meeting
The men of CHBC meet twice a month to discuss topics of spiritual relevance. Our goal is to discover who we are as men of God and live accordingly. Our discussions are guarded and mutual trust and confidentiality are of utmost importance.
Contact Ron O’Dowd @ caribbeancrazy@q.com
Men's Breakfast
The men’s ministry is hosting a breakfast for all CHBC men on Saturday, Aug. 31 from 9-11a. Join them for a time of good food and manly conversation over God’s Word.
Women's Bible Study | Walking Through the Word
Walking Through the Word Chronological Study of the New Testament starts on Aug. 20, and meets from 9-10:30a. Contact Jenel Parsons for more info: dnjparsons@gmail.com.
8370 YOUTH
Join us Sunday evenings from 6-8 in the lower level! Email Tanna@chbc.online for more information.
Women's Bible Study | Walking Through the Word
Walking Through the Word Chronological Study of the New Testament starts on Aug. 20, and meets from 9-10:30a. Contact Jenel Parsons for more info: dnjparsons@gmail.com.
Missions Team Meeting
Join us at one of our meetings on the third Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30PM at CHBC. For more information please email missions@chbc.online.